Step-by-Step Guide to Making Authentic Vietnamese Fried Rice

Vietnamese cuisine is renowned for its unique blend of flavors and textures that come together in every dish. One such dish is the Vietnamese fried rice, a delectable blend of rice, vegetables, and protein, bursting with umami flavor. Over time, this dish remains one of the top choices of people for breakfast, or when feeling lazy and don't want to spend too much time in the kitchen. In this article, we will delve into the history and ingredients of this popular dish, and provide you with a step-by-step recipe to make it at home.

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vietnamese fried rice
Source: Knorr

Fried rice or ‘Cơm chiên’ is an extremely rustic and simple Vietnamese dish, easy to make and full, very attractive with all kinds of variations for you to choose according to your liking. Nowadays, options for breakfast are more diverse, so this dish is somewhat not as "hot", but it has been dominant for a long time in every meal, from early morning to late night. A plate of quality Vietnamese fried rice can easily charm anyone once you try it, so why not learn more about this dish through the information below:

I - What is Vietnamese fried rice?

recipe for vietnamese fried rice

Source: OMGFood

According to many research documents on culinary history, fried rice was first born in China, then was introduced to other Asian countries, including Vietnam. In each country, this dish is uniquely modified and created based on local ingredients, then becomes an indispensable dish in that country. It is not clear when exactly fried rice appeared in Vietnam, maybe it followed in the footsteps of overseas Chinese into the country around the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The biggest difference between Vietnamese fried rice vs. Chinese fried rice lies in the fact that the original dish uses soy sauce, while the locals of this country use fish sauce to give it the taste.

In Vietnam, there are hundreds of different ways to cook fried rice, but the minimum ingredients needed to complete this dish are rice and fat. The most traditional is to use cold rice from the previous meal that has been left in the pot, stir or gently squeeze the rice for easy frying. In the past, everything was rare and expensive, so Vietnamese fried rice was cooked quite sparingly, with little lard just enough to skim the pan and a little fish sauce for richness. Although it's only a light touch, it is enough to make the rice grains soft and smooth, plus monosodium glutamate then it is more than luxury.

A look at Vietnamese rice

The rice can be fried crispy or soft according to preference or both crispy and soft if the chef is experienced, mainly based on the stirring technique. Fried rice with enough fat and fire can jump up to a few centimeters high, and then fall down like a circus performer that looks very pleasing to the eye, shrinking and shiny because of the outer layer of fat. If a little green onion is added, the bowl of fried rice will have a soothing green color, while dried onions will bring in a very delicious aroma. Depending on the composition of the ingredients and the processing, Vietnamese fried rice calories range from 700 - 900kcal / plate on average.

If you have extra pieces of fat then the dish will taste more special, you have to eat it slowly to see the sweetness of the fat, the saltiness of the fish sauce, the chewiness of the rice, and the flesh from the sticky meat due to the fire. Today's fried rice is more sophisticatedly processed with many different ingredients and styles such as golden eggs, meat, pickles, grilled duck, sometimes wrapped in a lotus leaf, wrapped with straw fibers. The bowl of Vietnam fried rice is definitely suitable for manual workers who need a lot of calories, but can't eat easily because of their heavy work, and also a good choice for hyperactive children who need energy to play from morning to noon. 

All about Vietnamese food & cuisine

II - How to make Vietnamese fried rice?

Fried rice in Vietnam is made by stir-frying cooked rice with various ingredients such as vegetables, eggs, and meat. Here are some famous types of Vietnamese fried rice recipes:

1 - Vietnamese shrimp fried rice recipe

vietnamese fried rice recipe

Source: Simple.recipe

Your breakfast will be more nutritious and delicious with this extremely simple yet attractive Vietnam fried rice dish with shrimp. Soft and chewy pieces of shrimp mixed with spiced rice and crispy beans create a perfect taste that is extremely easy to eat.


- 2 bowls of rice

- 2 beaten eggs

- 300g big tiger shrimp

- 100g ground green beans

- Few sliced scallions

- 15ml white wine or rice wine

- Salt, sugar, sesame oil, pepper, filtered water, fish sauce, turmeric, cooking oil,...

Vietnamese fried rice with shrimp:

- Wash the shrimps, remove their shells, heads and tail parts.

- Heat the pan over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, fry the eggs, cut into small pieces and put into a bowl.

- Add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil to the hot pan and fry the shrimp.

- Add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and chopped onion, sauté until soft.

- Put the rice in and stir-fry with the rest of the spices to taste, then add green beans and egg, mix it all up and roast for another 30 seconds.

- Add sliced scallions and wine, stir for another 20 seconds, and turn off the heat.

2 - Vietnamese chicken fried rice recipe

vietnamese chicken fried rice

Source: Internet

Vietnamese fried rice with chicken has loose rice grains, not wet or sticky, mixed with rich chicken and bacon. Along with the fleshy, crispy and cool taste of vegetables, all create a delicious and extremely nutritious dish.


- 2 bowls of rice

- 80g chicken breast

- 100g bacon

- 5 chicken eggs

- 75g tomato, corn, peas, carrot & bell peppers

- 25g scallions

- 1 purple onion

- Spices and oil

Recipe for Vietnamese fried rice with chicken

- Soak the chicken with diluted salt water for about 5 - 10 minutes, gently massage the chicken with your hands to clean the dirt, then wash and cut it into about 5mm pieces.

- Prepare other ingredients, wash and peel (if any), cut them into the shape of pomegranate seeds. Chop scallions and tomatoes. Boil the corn and get the seeds.

- Put water and salt in a pan and cook until boiling, add peas, bell peppers, carrots and boil for about 2 - 3 minutes, then put them in cold water to keep the crispness.

- Put the rice in a large bowl with the eggs, mix well.

- Heat cooking oil, add bacon and fry until cooked, then take out.

- Stir-fry the chicken with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar until the meat starts to shrink, continue to add a little red onion and diced onion, stir quickly for 1 minute, then turn off the heat, sprinkle a little pepper and take out.

- Stir-fry corn, bell peppers, carrots, peas with high heat until dry, then take out.

- Continue to put in the pan 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, the remaining red onion and 150g of chopped tomatoes, stir-fry with high heat until the mixture becomes soft, then add 2 tsp of seasoning, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce and mix well.

- Fry the rice on high heat until the grains are dry, then add all the chicken and vegetables, stir well and turn off the heat, add bacon and scallions on top.

It looks quite similar to Hoi An chicken rice

3 - Vietnamese fried rice cake recipe

vietnamese fried rice cake

Source: Pinterest

Hot and extremely beautiful, Vietnamese fried rice cake is a familiar snack of young people in the South, using easy-to-find ingredients. A piece is crispy outside, soft inside, mixed with eggs and green onions, perfect with sweet and sour dipping sauce.


- 200g rice

- 1 tbsp cornstarch

- 1 tbsp all-purpose flour

- 1 green papaya (about 600g)

- 1 chicken egg

- 4 branches of scallions

- 3 tbsp soy sauce

- 1 tbsp of vinegar

- 5 tbsp cooking oil

- Sugar / salt

Making Vietnamese fried rice cake

- Wash the rice, put it in a bowl and pour about 500ml of water, soak it for 4 - 8 hours, then leave it to drain for about 10 minutes. Put the rice in the blender with 500ml of water and puree for about 5 minutes.

- Put that mixture in a pot with cornstarch, all-purpose flour, 1/5 tsp salt and stir well, let the dough rest for about 30 minutes. Then put the pot on medium heat and stir constantly for about 10 minutes until the dough thickens.

- Put it into a mold and steam for about 30 minutes, use chopsticks to test if there is no white spot, it is cooked.

- Make the dipping sauce: Put 2 tbsp of sugar, 150ml of water, 3 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tbsp of vinegar into a small pot, bring to a boil and stir.

- Peel papaya and then grate it into fine fibers, put it in a bowl of cold water, soak for 30 minutes, then remove and drain. Finely chop the scallions.

- Cut the cooled dough into bite-sized pieces, fry in hot oil until golden on all sides, then add the egg, stir and sprinkle with a little chopped scallions.

- Put the fried dough on a plate, put a little grated papaya on it and then add 1 tbsp of sweet and sour sauce to complete.

4 - Vietnamese beef fried rice recipe

vietnamese beef fried rice

Source: Bep360

Vietnamese fried rice with pickles is a famous dish of Hanoi, with a golden color and a complex aroma, accompanied by a gentle sweet and sour taste. A little roughness of pickles, a little more flavor from beef mixed with the crunchiness of each grain of golden rice let this dish charm any diners from the first bite.


- 2 bowls of rice

- 150g beef

- 2 chicken eggs

- 50g pickles

- 5 cloves of minced garlic

- Pepper, salt, oyster sauce, cooking oil and seasoning

Making Vietnamese fried rice with beef and pickles

- Beat eggs in a bowl and mix well with rice.

- Cut beef into thin pieces, marinate with a little oyster sauce and stir-fry until cooked with hot oil and garlic. Then, add the pickles and stir-fry with a little salt and seasoning for about 3 minutes.

- Fry garlic with hot oil until fragrant and fry the rice, stir until hot, then add the previously sauteed beef with pickles. Stir until the rice is golden crispy.

- Eating this fried rice with cucumber and soy sauce will be more delicious.

5 - Recipe for Vietnamese pork fried rice with eggs

vietnamese style fried rice

Source: PnTree
On busy and tiring days, just a bowl of Vietnamese fried rice with minced meat and eggs is enough to fill you up with full energy to function. With simple ingredients and little preparation, this is a nutritious and delicious dish for the whole family for breakfast.


- 200g ground pork

- 100g cabbage

- 2 chicken eggs

- 2 cups of rice

- Salt, sugar, seasoning, chili sauce, soy sauce,...

- Onions, scallions, garlic

Making Vietnamese fried rice with minced pork and eggs

- Marinate the meat with 1 tbsp oyster sauce, a little pepper (depending on taste) and mix well. Slice cabbage, onions into slices, shred scallions and mince garlic.

- Fry the garlic on the pan, add the marinated minced pork and stir-fry until firm, then crack 2 eggs into it and stir well.

- After the meat and eggs are cooked, add 2 cups of rice, 2 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tsp of seasoning, 1 tbsp of chili sauce, 1 tsp of sugar, 1/3 tsp of salt and stir well.

- Add chopped cabbage, onion and scallions and sprinkle some ground pepper.

What is Vietnamese green rice?

6 - Recipe for Vietnamese fried rice with Chinese sausage

vietnamese fried rice with chinese sausage

Source: Bep360

Vietnamese fried rice with Chinese sausage will be a delicious dish that you can bring to your family's dinner tonight. The soft and not too dry rice, mixed with fatty chicken eggs, delicious sausages and a little bit of fresh green onions are extremely attractive!


- 2 cups white rice

- 100g sausage

- 2 chicken eggs

- 5 branches of scallions

- Cooking oil, soy sauce and ground pepper

Making Vietnamese fried rice with Chinese sausage

- Cut the Chinese sausage into small squares or slices. Remove onion roots, wash 1 - 2 times with clean water and let them dry, then chop.

- Mix the rice and eggs in a large bowl, stir until eggs dissolved and cover the rice.

- Fry cut Chinese sausage in an oil pan for 7 - 10 minutes until golden brown.

- Fry onions in hot oil, then add the rice and egg mixture, fry for about 12 - 15 minutes. Add 2 tbsp of soy sauce, fried sausages and the remaining scallions, stir for 2 - 3 minutes, then season with ground pepper to taste.

7 - Recipe for Vietnamese salted fish fried rice

how to make vietnamese fried rice

Source: Jonathan Wong

Instead of eating with normal white rice, using dried fish to fry rice takes advantage of the salty taste of fish and combines with rice to stimulate the appetite of the eater. Vietnamese fried rice with salted fish is a typical dish of the South, with dry but soft, red, fragrant fish and made from a little-known heirloom recipe.


- 1 bowl of cold rice

- 2 chicken eggs

- 100g chicken breast

- 100g salted fish

- 50g cabbage

- Garlic, scallions, cilantro and ginger, etc.

- Fish sauce, cooking oil, monosodium glutamate, ground pepper, seasoning, sugar

Making Vietnamese fried rice with salted fish

- Wash the ingredients and drain, then dice chicken breast, mince garlic, ginger and scallions, chop cabbage and beat eggs in a bowl.

- Heat the oil pan, then fry the fish until golden brown on both sides, take it out, let the oil drain and cool down, then remove the bones and shred the fish meat.

- Stir-fry ginger, onion and minced garlic in hot oil until fragrant, add chicken, a little sugar and seasoning, then stir well.

- Add salted fish and stir-fry with chicken until you smell the fragrance, then turn off the heat and put them in a separate bowl.

- Put eggs and rice into the pan, stir well until thickened. Add cabbage, chicken and fish to the pan, mix all ingredients and season to taste.

- Add chopped scallions, stir one last time, then put on a plate, sprinkle some ground pepper and cilantro to complete the dish.

8 - Recipe for Vietnamese pineapple fried rice

vietnamese pineapple fried rice

Source: vegecravings

With a very impressivepresentation style, pineapple fried rice Vietnam is both easy to eat and easy to make, suitable to appear on formal occasions or big parties. This kind of Vietnamese fried rice with the mild sour taste of pineapple, the fresh taste of vegetables mixed with the sweetness of shrimp, promises to bring an interesting experience when enjoying.


- 1 ripe pineapple

- 1 sprig of minced shallot

- 2 chicken eggs

- 2 cups of rice

- 1 cup diced carrots

- 1 cup peas

- Salt, pepper, coriander, chili, turmeric, coconut milk, soy sauce, cooking oil,...

- ¼ cup roasted cashews (unsalted)

- Scallion

Making Vietnamese fried rice with pineapple

- Cut the pineapple in half, use a sharp knife to remove the inside and cut it into large pomegranate seeds.

- Heat 1 tablespoon of cooking oil in a pan, add onion, shallot and saute until fragrant. Add ½ egg, rice, carrots, peas in and stir for 5 - 10 minutes, sprinkle with salt, pepper, turmeric, scallions, and chopped chili.

- Add pineapple, cashews, coconut milk, soy sauce to mix well, season to taste.

- Scoop the whole mixture into the pineapple peel, put in the oven at 180°C for about 10 minutes, then take it out, garnish with cashews, scallions and serve with soy sauce.

9 - Vietnamese garlic fried rice recipe

vietnamese pork fried rice

Source: thatlangon

The ingredients and the recipe for this Vietnamese fried rice are very simple, so it only takes a little time to have a delicious and attractive dish. Garlic fried rice dish is dry outside but soft inside, perfectly combined with the smell and a little spicy taste of garlic, and served with cucumber, raw vegetables and 1 omelet.


- 20g garlic

- 10g roasted shrimp

- 1 egg yolk

- 250g of rice

- White sesame seeds, olive oil, garlic powder, ground pepper, turmeric powder, fish sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate,…

Making Vietnamese fried rice with garlic

- Heat the pan evenly and fry the shrimp with sesame until fragrant.

- Add the rice and mix with the egg yolks and 0.5 tablespoons of olive oil.

- Peel the garlic and slice it thinly, stir in a hot pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil until soft and slightly golden, then add the rice and stir fry with pepper.

- When the rice is dry, add sesame and shrimp, stir well, then add spices to taste.

10 - Vietnamese cauli fried rice recipe

vietnamese fried rice calories

Source: onceuponachef

Cauliflower brings a sweet taste to the richness of fried rice, harmoniously blending with the freshness of other vegetables. This Vietnamese fried rice is suitable for those who want to lose weight, and you can omit the eggs if you are a vegetarian.


- 2 bowls of rice

- 400g cauliflower

- 30g carrots

- 30g green beans

- 20g onion

- 20g green onions

- 10g garlic

- 2 chicken eggs

- Salt, pepper, white sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, cooking oil

Making Vietnamese fried rice with cauliflowers

- Wash the cauliflower, remove the stem and put it in a medium blender, then put it in the microwave for 3 minutes and squeeze out the water.

- Put butter in a bowl and bring to a boil until melted, put rice in a bowl, add coconut milk, fresh milk, vanilla, butter, flour, eggs, condensed milk and mix well.

- Heat 30ml of cooking oil until boiling, then add minced garlic, diced onion and chopped onion head, stir-fry until onions are clear and fragrant.

- Then add carrots, green beans and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, pour rice and broccoli in, stir well and add fried eggs. Season to taste with salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil and add chopped scallions.


Vietnamese fried rice is the favorite dish of many locals, appearing from breakfast, lunch to dinner, late at night after a tiring day of work. This dish is a combination of many food groups, providing all the necessary substances such as starch from rice, protein and fat from meat, seafood, fiber and vitamins from vegetables,… Each of these types of Vietnamese fried rice has its own unique flavor profile and ingredients. They are all easy to make at home and can be customized to your liking. Give them a try and enjoy the delicious flavors of Vietnamese cuisine!

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Being born and living here in Vietnam, I got a chance to see lots of beautiful places, try countless great dishes, & experience many interesting things in places I visited. And It's so great to share all things I know about Vietnam to you.

Giang Pham — Giang Pham



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