Ngoc Son temple title
Source: Shutterstock

Ngoc Son Temple in Hanoi covers an area of ​​about 12 hectares, about 700 meters long, and about 250 meters wide, located on Jade Islet - a high hillock in the northeast of Hoan Kiem Lake. The path leading to the temple is the curved The Huc Bridge with striking red color. 

I - Travelling notes

1 - Ngoc Son Temple entrance fee

- Children under 15 years old are free of charge
- Ticket price for students is 15,000 VND/person ($0.65)
- Ticket price for adult is 30,000 VND/person ($1.3)

2 - Ngoc Son Temple dress code

ngoc son temple dress code

Source: Kenh14

The temple is a place of solemn and respectful worship, you should also pay attention to your dress code. 
- Do not choose clothes that are too short or lack delicacy
- Walk gently, avoid laughing and making noise
- When entering the temple to burn incense, shoes and sandals should be removed 

3 - Ngoc Son Temple opening hours

The temple welcomes tourists all days from 7am to 6pm.  

4 - How to get there? 

The temple is located in the center of ​​Hanoi, so traveling there is quite easy. You can travel here by motorbike, taxi and bus,...
Traveling by bus
You can follow the routes: 09A, 09B, 14, 36, 86 and then walk to the Hoan Kiem Lake & Ngoc Son Temple in Hanoi. Visit for details.


bus to ngoc son temple

Source: Vietnammoi

Traveling by motorbike 
If you travel by motorbike, you can park at the parking lots on Dinh Tien Hoang Street with the fare of about 10,000 VND/motorbike ($0.43). 

II - The history of Ngoc Son Temple Hanoi

The present temple architecture was built in the 18th century, but before that, there existed a temple to worship those who died in the war against the Yuan-Mongols in the 14th century in the location of the present temple.


old ngoc son temple hanoi

The old Temple of The Jade Mountain Hanoi - Source: Laodong

In the 18th century, Lord Trinh Giang built Thuy Khanh Palace as a resting place on Jade Islet. Thuy Khanh Palace was then destroyed by the war. After that, a charity named Tin Trai built a temple named Ngoc Son on the demolished Thuy Khanh Palace. In 1865, a famous Vietnamese poet Nguyen Van Sieu repaired the temple, and built works such as Dai Nghien, Thap But, The Huc bridge, Tran Ba ​​Dinh as today.

III - How impressive is the architecture of Ngoc Son Temple Vietnam?

The temple was built in the Tam-character-shaped architecture (心 - Chinese character meaning “three”) to worship the God Van Xuong De Quan (a god of literature and examination) and Grand General Tran Hung Dao, which clearly shows the concept of "three religions of the same land" of the Vietnamese people, with the meaning of religious unity and harmony. To visit the Ngoc Son Pagoda Hanoi, you have to step through the Nghi Mon Gate, then go through The Huc Bridge and pass Dac Nguyet Lau, specifically:


nghi mon gate ngoc son temple

  Source: Xita

1 - Nghi Mon Gate

When you pass through the pillar-style gate to the front yard, right to the left is Pen Tower (Thap But in Vietnamese) built on a fake mountain lined with rock, with a diameter of 12m and 4m high. Pen Tower in Ngoc Son Temple Hanoi is a stone tower, with 5 floors, 8m high, at the top of the tower is designed as a pen nib erect with the handle about 90cm high. On the Pen Tower is engraved with the word "Ta Thanh Thien" (Written on the blue sky).

2 - Dragon Gate & Tiger Board   

There are 2 pillars and 2 fake doors built into a 2-storey 8 curved roof. The right door is embossed with the shape of a scrolling dragon, welcoming the flock of fish crossing the river, above the word "Dragon Gate”. The left door is embossed with the shape of a white tiger as if it were going out, on top of it there are 2 words "Tiger Board". The Dragon Gate & Tiger Board in Ngoc Son Temple in Hanoi symbolizes successful examinations, thereby encouraging students' learning spirit.

3 - Dai Nghien

The third gate has a cut of green stone in the shape of half a peach, the peach is 97cm long, 80cm wide, about 30cm high and 3 toads are teamed up like 3 legs. On the body of the research scaffold is engraved with an essay by Nguyen Van Sieu.


the huc bridge ngoc son temple vietnam

The Huc Bridge - Source: VnExpress

4 - The Huc Bridge leading to Ngoc Son Temple

The Huc Bridge is prominent on Hoan Kiem Lake and is considered a symbol of the sun god, so the name "Thê Húc" means "the place of early morning sunlight". The bridge is made of wood material and the bridge body is not too wide. slopes, handrails with diagonal multiplication letters divided into small squares like the general box on the chess board. The Huc Bridge is painted red, has a curved design like peach silk, squeezed through the blue water of the lake.

Suggestion from Localtravelidea: Top places to visit in Hanoi capital 

5 - Dac Nguyet Lau in Ngoc Son Temple

Going to the end of The Huc Bridge, you step through Dac Nguyet Lau, also known as the “Moon Gazing Pavilion”. The gate is located under the shadow of an old banyan tree, surrounded by overgrown trees, and looks like it is emerging from the water.

6 - Tran Ba Pavilion

Tran Ba Pavilion, also known as breakwater communal house, is located in the south of the Ngoc Son Temple Vietnam. The pavilion has a square architecture with 8 roofs, 2-storey roof with 8 support columns, 4 outer stone columns, 4 wooden inner columns.

7 - Worshipping area

There are 3 small temples in the worshipping area. The first temple is dedicated to Tran Hung Dao and Van Xuong, the temple is located in the North.
Ngoc Son Temple Hanoi Vietnam is obviously a famous sightseeing spot in the center of Hanoi. Let's go there to see the unique architecture of this temple.  

Jade Mountain Temple, Ngoc Son Buddhist Temple, Temple of The Jade Mountain entrance fee,...

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