Checking weather in Da Nang Vietnam forecast including rainfall and daily temperature is the key to having a wonderful trip to this beautiful city. The climate in Da Nang is strongly affected by the monsoon, typhoon and rainy season.

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weather in da nang
Source: Kenneth Oh

Da Nang City, located in the Central coastal region, is a municipality of Vietnam. This vibrant coastal city is the bridge connecting South Vietnam & North Vietnam. 

I - An overview about the weather in Da Nang Vietnam 

Due to being located behind the Bach Ma range, the Da Nang climate has intertwined the northern subtropical climate and the southern savanna tropical climate. Furthermore, the complex topographical differentiation from the hills and mountains to plain & sea facilitates the formation of diverse climatic zones.

In general, the weather in Da Nang City is not too harsh year-round, along with the beautiful natural landscape, Da Nang is always the leading tourist destination in Vietnam.


da nang weather forecast

Sunset on the beach in Da Nang - Source: Cristofer Jeschke

The Da Nang climate includes two distinct seasons: dry season (January - August) and rainy season (September - December). Particularly in a few months of the year (around December - February next year) the temperature here can drop below 20°C due to the influence of the northeast monsoon from the North, but the cold weather does not last too long. The total rainfall falls at 2000mm, the average temperature is about 25.6°C.  

II - Weather in Da Nang Vietnam in dry & rain season 

Weather characteristics between rainy and dry seasons are shown as follows:

1 - What is the Da Nang rainy season like?

At this time (from September to December), the rainfall peaks, accounting for 216 - 650mm/month, while the average number of sunshine hours is about 103 - 176 hours/month. The humidity in the rainy season is always above 80%. The monthly average Da Nang temperature is from 22 - 27°C, the lowest temperature is 22.4°Cin December and the highest temperature is 27.4°C in September.

2 - Weather in Da Nang in the dry season

During this time (from January to August), the low rainfall remains at 70-80mm/ month; the sunshine time fluctuates from 139 to 253 hours/ month. The average temperature in dry months is about 26°C with the highest temperature in Da Nang Vietnam is up to 29.1°C in July and the lowest temperature is down to 21.8°C in January. The humidity in the air is approximately 80%. In general, the Da Nang weather at this time is quite pleasant, cool and suitable for marine and outdoor activities as well. 

In general, the average temperature in Da Nang is about 25.6°C and ranges between days of the month is only about 3 - 5°C. Thanks to its special geographical location, weather in Da Nang Vietnam is not affected by the northeast monsoon in winter, summer is influenced by sea breezes, so the weather is almost mild and pleasant all year round.

Choosing Da Nang as a destination in Vietnam, you can experience and explore this amazing city at any time of the year. From the experience of the Localtravelidea, the best time to visit Da Nang is from February to August when the temperature is not over 27°C and the rainfall is low.

III - When is the Da Nang typhoon season? 

da nang temperature

Bana hills in Da Nang - Source: Internet

The typhoon season in Da Nang usually falls from October to January. On average, the city suffers from 1 to 2 storms or tropical depressions each year that leads to prolonged heavy rains, slightly decreased temperature, strong winds, and occasional flooding. Therefore, travelers coming to Da Nang city at this time should actively keep an eye on the Da Nang weather forecast to have a nice journey. 

A lovely note for those who visit Ba Na hills is that Ba Na hills is located at an altitude of 1,500 meters, the annual average temperature is always at 20°C and the humidity is over 83%, so please remember to prepare a thin coat or umbrella when coming here. 

Visit https://www.accuweather.com/vi/vn/da-nang to check weather by month or by day.

Da Nang City is one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in Vietnam which impresses tourists with stunning beaches, breathtaking tourist attractions, and cultural sites. The nearly all-year-round nice & pleasant weather in Da Nang Vietnam is another reason why you should take a trip to this city. 

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