There are many ways to travel from Hoi An to Hanoi. You can refer to our article below to find the most convenient way that suits your schedule.

Table Contents
from hoi an to hanoi
Source: Elliot Andrews

The distance from Hoi An to Hanoi is about 800km. To move between the 2 cities, you have 3 choices, including:

- Traveling by plane

- Traveling by train

- Traveling by bus

I - Hoi An to Hanoi flights

There is currently no airport in Hoi An and you need to move to Da Nang airport for a flight to Noi Bai airport in Hanoi.

- Total travel time: 2,5 hours 

- Total cost: 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 VND/person ($45 - 84)

Step 1: Travel from Hoi An to Da Nang airport

Bus No.1

- Travel time: 70 mins

- Ticket price: 25,000 VND/person (~ $1,2)

- Get-on point: Hoi An bus station, Nguyen Tat Thanh street, Cam Pho ward, Hoi An city

- Drop-off point: 2 Duy Tan street, Hoa Thuan Tay ward, Danang city - 2.8km from Da Nang airport

- Frequency: 20 mins/trip


- Travel time: 50 mins

- Fare: 350,000 VND - 450,000 VND/4-seater car (~ $15 - 19)

- Taxi brands in Hoi An: Mai Linh taxi (0510 3 92 92 92), VinaSun taxi (0511 3 68 68 68), Tien Sa taxi (0510 3 59 59 59 59)


flights from hoi an to hanoi

Flights from Hoi An to Hanoi - Source: Joshua Hoehne

Step 2: Travel from Da Nang airport to Noi Bai airport   

- Ticket price: 700,000 VND - 1,500,000 VND/person ($30 - 65) 

- Travel time: about 1 hour

- Airlines: Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Bamboo Airway,  Pacific Airline

To book tickets, you can visit the official website of the airlines:

- Vietnam Airlines:

- Vietjet Air:

- Bamboo Airway:

- Pacific Airlines:

Noi Bai airport is about 25km from Hanoi inner city. From Noi Bai airport, you can catch bus no.07, bus no.90 and high-quality bus no.86 (visit for detail)

II - Travel from Hoi An to Hanoi by train

There is currently no train station in Hoi An, you need to move to Da Nang Train Station for a train to Hanoi

- Total travel time: 17 - 18 hours

- Total cost: 500,000 VND - 1,500,000 VND/person (22 $ - 65 $)

Step 1: Move from Hoi An to Da Nang train station

Bus No.1

- Get-on point: Hoi An bus station

- Drop-off point: 166 Le Duan street, Hai Chau ward, Danang city - 700m from Da Nang train station


train from hoi an to hanoi

Trains from Hoi An to Hanoi - Source: Joshua Hoehne


- Travel time: 50 mins

- Fare: 250,000 VND/4-seat car ($11)

- Taxi brand in Hoi An: Mai Linh taxi (0510 3 92 92 92), VinaSun taxi (0511 3 68 68 68), Tien Sa taxi (0510 3 59 59 59 59)

Step 2: Move from Da Nang train station to Hanoi train station

- Frequency: 6 trains/day 

- Ticket booking: direct booking at Da Nang train station; online booking via

- Advice: be ready at Da Nang train stations 30min before departing & book a soft berth for a more comfortable

III - Take a bus from Hoi An to Hanoi

Traveling by bus takes about 17 hours and you can refer to the following buses:

Camel Travel bus

- Pick up point: 137 Tran Nhan Tong street, Hoi An city at 1pm

- Drop off point: 459 Tran Khat Chan street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi

- Ticket price: 320,000 - 350,000 VND/person (14-15 $)

- Hotline: 024 8585 0555

Hey Travel bus

- Pick up point: 13 Hoang Dieu street, Hoi An at 1pm

- Drop off point: 282 Tran Khat Chan street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi

- Ticket price: 350,000 VND/person (15 $)

- Hotline: 02432 444 333


bus from hoi an to hanoi

Sleeper bus Hoi An to Hanoi - Source: Dan Mall

Trekking Travel bus

- Pick up point: Hoi An Ancient Town at 1pm

- Drop off point: 1 Tran Khanh Du street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi

- Ticket price: 380,000 VND/person (16 $)

- Hotline: 0243 716 3715

It can be seen that you have several ways to travel from Hoi An to Hanoi.  Among the above ways, traveling by plane is highly recommended because of time-saving.

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Hi, my name is Bich, and I do love traveling a lot. I have a huge passion for exploring new places & different cultures. And for me, it will be so great to share some of my travel experience in Vietnam to other travelers through my posts on this site.

Ha Bich — Ha Bich



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