I - How to get from Saigon to Dalat ?
There are many ways to travel from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat. The most popular modes of transportation are: airplane, motorbike, bus, limousine, taxi, train or tour. Noticeably, in Saigon, the rush hour is usually 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 7 pm. If there are flights or trains during this period, you should pay attention to schedule to move to the airport or train station earlier than 1-2 hours to avoid missed flights or trains.
II - Flight from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat

Currently, all Vietnamese airlines operate flights from Saigon to Da Lat, with a variety of daily flights suitable for the needs of travellers:
- Vietnam Airlines: 2-4 flights / day
- Vietjetair: 3-4 flights / day
- Bamboo Airways: 1 flight/day
- JetStar Pacific: 2-3 trips / day
Depending on the airline, seat class and flight time, the fare of taking domestic flight from Saigon to Dalat varies. During the peak tourist seasons, the ticket price can be up to more than 43,5$. As for the low season or on promotions, the ticket price usually ranges from 13$ to 26$
Besides, you can also buy air tickets directly at the airport. However, the ticket price will be much higher than buying online in advance
Travelling by plane is a fast, convenient and safe way to move. Currently, airlines offer a lot of promotion. Therefore, choosing this transportation method does not cost much.
III - Ride a motorbike from Saigon to Dalat

When riding a motorbike from Saigon to Dalat, you need to prepare some light jackets because the temperature on the way can decrease. Be prepared for a strong mentality, good health and firm steering at the downhill. These are two passes with many bends and high slopes, rugged terrain (one side is the cliff, one side is deep, the road is not too wide) go slowly, carefully, pay close attention—mirrors, front and back to avoid unfortunate collisions. There have been many severe accidents due to lane encroachment, reckless overtaking, the influence of weather, fog ... and a relatively common reason is the loss of brakes. You need to consider traffic safety when using this form of transportation.
Motorbikes are a form of adventurous moving, more suitable for those who love backpacking, have excellent driving skills, have had experience in traffic in Vietnam by motorcycles, do not be afraid of difficulties and challenges. However, we recommend that you consider safety when using this form of migration. Nevertheless, riding a motorbike will bring an excellent opportunity to see the beautiful and majestic sceneries.
IV - Bus from Saigon to Dalat

Open Bus Phương Trang
- Departure: From 5:00 to 24h30, every 30 minutes.
- Address: 272 De Tham - District 1 Ho Chi Minh City.
- Tel: (08) 3 837 5570.
Open Bus Kim Travel
- Departure: 8:15 am
- Address: Số 270 De Tham, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
- Tel: 08. 920 5552.
Open Bus The Sinh Tourist
- Departure: 7:30 am every day
- Ticket price: 5,6$/ ticket (buy tickets 1 day in advance).
- Address: 246 - 248 De Tham, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
- Booking phone: 08. 3837 6833
These buses are rated as punctual, new and have excellent facilities. The bus from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat price is also quite cheap, only from 5,6$ to 8,7$/ card. However, this method of transportation may take 7-9 hours to arrive.
V - Take a limousine from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat

- Time of departure: Sai Gon: 9:00 – 12:05 – 21:00 – 23:05 – 23:58
- Ticket price: 12,2$/ person.
- Booking phone number: 02633 655 999 - 02633 350 8989
Thinh Phat Limousine garage
- Departure time: Saigon: 9:00 - 10:00 - 21:00
- Car ticket price: 15,2$ / person.
- Booking phone number: 0988 641 641 - 0908 641 641 - 0888 641 641
Pacific Limousine Garage
- Departure time:
- Saigon: 11:30 - 14:30 - 23:30
- Dalat: 10:30 - 11:30 - 23:30
- Ticket price: 12,6$ / person.
- Pick up location in Ho Chi Minh City: 268 Cong Hoa, Ward 13, Tan Binh, TP. Ho Chi Minh
- Drop off point in Da Lat: Tu Phuoc, P11, TP. Da Lat.
- Ticket booking phone number: 0898 659 108 - 0868 696 108
Today, limousines are the preferred means of transportation for many travellers because of their quickness and convenience. Travelling by limousine from Saigon to Dalat takes only 5-6 hours. Moreover, the seats are extremely comfortable and pleasant, making visitors not tired after long distances.
VI - Take a taxi

Some taxi companies in Saigon you can refer as:
- Taxi VinaSun - hotline: 028.38 27 27 27
- Taxi Vina - hotline: 028.38 111 111
- Taxi Mai Linh - hotline: 028 38 38 38 38
- Taxi Hoang Long - hotline: 08. 3833 6868
- Taxi Sai Gon Air - hotline: 028.38 118 118
Taxi from Saigon to Da Lat is a way that travellers can take the initiative. However, this is a fairly expensive way to move.
VI - Take a train from Saigon to Dalat

Several reputable taxi and coach companies in Nha Trang:
Taxi (average price is about 52$)
- Taxi VinaSun - 02588 27 27 27
- Mai Linh Taxi - 0258 38 38 38 38
Passenger cars (average price from 4,3$ to 5,2$)
- Viet Nhat garage - 1900 088840
- House garage - 1900 088810
Tourists will take about 8 - 10 hours on the train from Saigon to Nha Trang and an additional 2-3 hours to ride from Nha Trang to Da Lat. Depending on the class, as well as the type of train you choose, the ticket price will range from 10,8$ to 65$ / ticket
Traveling by train will bring visitors more exciting experiences. You will admire the beautiful panoramic nature on the road from Saigon to Nha Trang. Not only that, but you are also allowed to travel freely on the train and have the opportunity to make new friends. In case you do not want to travel by plane, taking a train to Ho Chi Minh city is highly recommended.
In general, each way of travel from Saigon to Dalat has its different pros and cons. In order to save time, taking a direct flight is the first choice. On the other hand, if you want to see and experience more along the way you have more options for bus, train or motorbike.