Necessary Things About Chau Doc Vietnam For First-time Travelers

chau doc
Source: Travellive

Chau Doc Vietnam is one of two cities in An Giang Province, along with Long Xuyen. The city is by the borderline of Vietnam with Cambodia. This is a land with a long-term history imbued with cultural imprints of the foundation of Southern Vietnam. Located in an interesting position, facing a confluence, leaning against seven mountains, this area has poetic scenery. 

I - Top 10 most outstanding attractions in Chau Doc Vietnam 

1 - Sam mountain cable car tourist area

sam mountain tourist site in chau doc

Source: thamhiemmekong

Sam Mountain is only 284m high, but is considered as a scenic mountain by gathering many famous landmarks such as Ba Chua Xu temple of Sam Mountain, Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, Tay An Pagoda, Hang Pagoda,... Sam Mountain cable car has a total length of 900m, including 37 cabins, each can accommodate 8 passengers and operates continuously to meet the needs of visitors from all over the world, especially during Ba Chua Xu festival.

Coming to Sam Mountain Cable Car in Chau Doc An Giang Vietnam, you will picture Saigon through the image of the station designed according to the architecture of Notre Dame Cathedral, then a bit of Hanoi through the image of the majestic One Pillar Pagoda in the middle of a lotus pond in the blooming season… From the station at the foot of Sam mountain, it only takes 5-10 minutes for the cable car system to take you to the mountaintop. After landing, you continue to immerse yourself in the colorful space with a series of elaborate works, and sophisticated architecture of which the most prominent is the Temple of the Emerald Buddha lying in a prime location.

That’s not the end of the story because you can catch a panoramic view of Chau Doc Vietnam and also easily catch sight of a rocky base which is said to be where Ba Chua Xu (Lady of the region) sat. Next is an adorable love bridge named "Pink Valentine" which is very romantic with the shape of two intertwined hearts that stand out in the middle of the green space of rice paddy fields.

After reaching the top of Sam mountain, if you do not buy a return cable car ticket, you can follow the stone steps to go down. This road is quite small, lined with many shops selling souvenirs, snacks, and drinks on both sides. The path has many sidetracks, although there are signposts, they are all written in Vietnamese. 

Cable car ticket price: 

- Two-way ticket: 90,000 VND/adult  ($3.9), and 70,000 VND/child ($3)

-  One-way ticket: 60,000 VND/adult ($2.6) and 50,000 VND/child ($2.15)

- (Free tickets for children under 1.2m and seniors over 70)

2 - Ba Chua Xu temple - an outstanding attraction in Chau Doc city

chau doc temple

Source: nucuoimekong

The temple was designed in the shape of Guo (国), a tower block shaped like a blooming lotus. The three-storey roof is covered with beautiful jade green tile, the corner of the roof curves like the bow of a surfing boat. Inside the temple, it is decorated with bold Indian style. Because there are many unanswered questions about the origin of the statue of Ba Chua Xu in this temple, the folks in Chau Doc city as well as in the neighborhood strongly believe in its sacredness. 

Every year, Ba Chua Xu temple in Chau Doc Vietnam attracts millions of people from all over the country flocking to pray for peace, luck and fortune. The time when people visit the most is from January to April of the lunar calendar because it coincides with Ba Chua Xu festival (April 24 to 27 of the lunar calendar).

The temple is open both day and night. During the day, you are able to clearly see every detail of decorative carvings on couplets, friezes, tile roofs, columns, etc. At night, the shimmering electric light makes you overwhelmed with the splendor of the temple. If you come here in the evening, you will see a night market selling a lot of local specialties as well as souvenirs in the area around the shrine. 

3 - Shrine of Thoai Ngoc Hau

Opposite Ba Chua Xu temple is another extremely valuable relic in Chau Doc City named Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, located in a cluster of relics at the foot of Sam mountain. The shrine of Thoai Ngoc Hau is a rare intact architectural work typical of the Nguyen Dynasty (1802 - 1945) style remaining in Southern Vietnam. It always carries in itself a quiet, dignified, and respectful beauty. It is a mausoleum and a temple as well, worshiping Nguyen Van Thoai, known as Thoai Ngoc Hau, a Nguyen Dynasty mandarin sent by the court to explore and guard An Giang, who was also the direct commander of the Vinh Te canal project of more than 90 km long, connecting Chau Doc river to the Gulf of Thailand.

Visiting this attraction in Chau Doc Vietnam, you may wonder why there are many graves with different shapes: oval, elephant-shaped, peach-shaped, hat-shaped, etc. on both sides of the inner mausoleum. They are anonymous graves of courtiers, relatives, husbands, and militiamen who died while participating in the Vinh Te canal digging.

The interior of the temple is exquisitely decorated, bringing a majestic and magnificent beauty. In the middle of the temple is a bust of Thoai Ngoc Hau, 2m high, dressed in the way he was in power, eyes overlooking Vinh Te canal, creating a very dignified atmosphere.

4 - Hang Pagoda - an ancient pagoda in Chau Doc 

chau doc city

Hang pogoda - Source: foody

Hang pagoda (another name: Phuoc Dien pagoda), located on the slopes of Sam mountain, offers visitors a very charming but equally sacred space. It is surrounded by deep green forests of majestic mountains, and many species of trees bloom in the season to color the whole area. In front of the pagoda, there are two colorful, harmonious, elaborately carved stupas, standing majestically on the mountainside. The main hall of Hang pagoda is not too big but very majestic and decorated with impressive artistic reliefs. The main hall is the place to worship Shakyamuni Buddha and a number of gods.

Hang pagoda in Chau Doc Vietnam features impressive grounds. Here, you will find a small altar laid in the cave. Lying on both sides of the cave are two large snake statues with their eyes lit up, making the space tinged with spirituality and adding a mysterious impression to visitors. The name Hang (Cave) pagoda probably comes from this very unique architectural feature. Because Hang pagoda is a fairly large architectural complex, it may take you at least 1 to 2 hours to comprehensively discover it.

5 - Tay An Pagoda

Located at the junction at the foot of Sam mountain, Tay An pagoda in Chau Doc An Giang is also a historical symbol for the architectural exchange between Vietnam and India. Sam mountain behind the work is like a backdrop highlighting the pagoda with a dark green color. Viewed from above, you can see the whole scene of Tay An pagoda like a phoenix flapping its wings. The most impressive thing is the 3 ancient buildings with round roofs in the shape of onions, colorful but harmonious.

Just entering the campus, you will see the image of 2 elephants, a white elephant with 6 tusks and a black elephant with 2 tusks. Behind the pagoda grounds are many tomb towers with extremely unique architecture. On the 12th of the 8th of the lunar month, thousands of people and Buddhist monks and nuns inside and outside Chau Doc Vietnam come here to worship. 

If you do not want to visit the Tay An pagoda during the day because of the sun and crowded pilgrims, you can visit in the evening. With special architecture, the pagoda has yellow lights to illuminate it, making the pagoda become majestic and magnificent like a splendid castle at night.

6 - Long Son Pagoda

chau doc an giang vietnam

Logn Son Pagoda - Source: thamhiemmekong

Long Son pagoda is located on the way to the top of Sam mountain. It has ancient architecture and an airy campus scattered with many majestic statues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas whose facial expressions make people think as if they are looking over the world. Sometimes the sound of temple bells echoes in the middle of the wild, quiet mountains, making visitors feel as if they have escaped from reality. Behind the pagoda, you can have a panoramic view of the rice fields and the city below, which is very poetic, especially at sunset. 

7 - Chau Doc Floating Market

This floating market boasts all the features of the Southern river region. Going around the market, you will see about 30 boats parked close to each other but not too close so that the boats can slither to bring customers in. 


chau doc floating market

Floating market - Source: vietnamembassy-turkey

Here, people do not offer their goods by shouting, but by using “cay beo” (a bamboo tree). The owner of the boat informs the buyer of what he is selling by putting a bamboo tree in the river bed and then hanging that item on the tree trunk. The sellers at this market are from all over the country, they bring goods from other areas to trade with local people, so the items can come from many other provinces. 

The time when the Chau Doc floating market is most crowded is from 6 to 7 am, when retailers buy things to resell. At 9 am, the market begins to disperse. By 12 noon, it is completely finished. Although located in a young city that is changing day by day, this floating market still carries with it the beauty of ancient culture, preserving the unique values ​​of the An Giang Vietnam.

8 - Huynh Dao Pagoda 

house in chau doc

Huynh Dao Pagoda - Source: ngoisao

Huynh Dao pagoda, in Vinh Dong II quarter, Nui Sam ward, with its architecture imbued with Chinese - Vietnamese culture is a pagoda with a monumental scale. On the way entering the grounds, you are extremely impressed with more than 50 white stone Buddha statues created in many postures and costumes. The most prominent one is the 30-meter-high statue of Guanyin in a meditation position on the lotus platform. 

The highlight of the area outside Huynh Dao pagoda in Chau Doc Vietnam is a large lotus pond, which gives off a sweet fragrance in the summer. In the middle of the lake, there is a poetic water house, and most especially, an elaborately constructed building with 9 majestic dragon statues in front of the pagoda, which is considered a symbol of the nine creeks of the Mekong river. If you want to fully explore the pagoda, you should go early in the morning. 

9 - Chau Doc Market

chau doc chau doc vietnam

Source: ngoisao

The market homes on Bach Dang street, just 1.6 km from the city center to the West. Advantages of this commercial place are diverse merchandise and stretching opening time. This market is also favored with the name "kingdom of fermented fish" because half of the stalls sell fermented fish. There are about 30 kinds of fermented fish displayed on the counter. Pots of fish are neatly arranged in order not to make customers confused. Each type has different characteristics but is rich and delicious in flavors. In addition, visitors here can also easily find dried fresh-water fish to buy as gifts. Coming here, you should not miss the dishes made from palmyra such as palmyra fresh fruit, palmyra cake, palmyra water,...

10 - Ut Cung Eco Garden - an ideal “green” spot in Chau Doc city

When coming to Vinh Te commune, you not only immerse yourself in a large and cool garden planted with all kinds of mangoes, Australian mangoes, Taiwanese mangoes, coconuts, pineapples... but also leave your soul in the green scenery and cool atmosphere. In addition to exploring the orchard by road, the system of canals and ditches surrounding the garden for alum washing and watering has become a unique tourist product for visitors to visit the orchard by canoe. Coming here, you can also participate in agricultural activities such as fishing, picking fruits, and enjoying typical Western dishes.

Entrance fee: 30,000 VND/person ($1.3)

II - Explore the cuisine space of Chau Doc Vietnam

1 - What to eat in Chau Doc An Giang?   

Palmyra cake

chau doc restaurants

Palmyra cake - Source: dulichvietnam

The type of cake is made from local agricultural products. After making the cake, it gives a golden color, a spongy taste, the sweet taste of sugar combined with coconut, and the special scent of palmyra to create a unique flavor.

Bun ca (Vermicelli soup with fish)

The main ingredients are snakehead fish, “ngai bun” (a tuber that looks like turmeric, has the taste of ginger but weaker and long-lasting) and shrimp paste. When being cooked, fish is marinated with turmeric and stir-fried with other seasonings then poured into fish broth together with “ngai bun” and shrimp paste. 

Fermented fish  

Because Chau Doc Vietnam is located on the headwater of the Tien river and Hau river, it has an abundant source of fish and aqua creatures for fermenting sauce. The delicacy features a yellowish-brown color and the typical scent thanks to sophisticated processing. Currently, this specialty has crossed the border of Vietnam, reaching international markets, especially the European countries.   

Bun ken (Ken noodle soup)


chau doc food

Source: ngoisao

This is also a specialty of some provinces in the South of Vietnam, such as Phu Quoc island, Ha Tien city... Bun ken here uses snakehead instead of saltwater fish and the fish is not ground but sliced into pieces. The broth has a characteristic tawny color, coconut fragrance, the sweetness of fish, and the spicy taste of chili and other spices. It is served with bean sprouts and green papaya cut into thin strips as a delicious breakfast. 

2 - Top-rated Chau Doc restaurants

Except for places such as Chau Doc market, night market near Ba Chua Xu temple, and ecotourism sites, you can savor the local special dishes at: 

Chau Doc Hoi Quan restaurant

The space of this restaurant is imbued with the rustic and idyllic features of the Southern Vietnam countryside. The whole architecture is mainly wooden with a leaf-tilted roof. The food here is dominated by southern specialties with a distinct flavor and good seasoning. Some of the delicacies you should try are snakehead sour soup, fried rice with salty fish, scorched rice with caramelized shrimp and pork, sesban hotpot...

- Address: No.64-68 Hoang Dieu, Chau Phu B ward, Chau Doc city

- Contact: 091 365 59 85 - 098 685 53 77

- Opening hour: 24/24 on service

- Reference price: 60,000 - 200,000 VND/dish

Ben Da Nui Sam restaurant

The eatery is an expensive restaurant which is quite famous to the local people and visitors. Located on the road to Tay An pagoda, Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, it is very convenient for tourists to drop by. The space of the restaurant is a garden with a lot of green trees, pretty suitable for eating and relaxing. The restaurant features a diverse menu with various dishes including seafood and local Vietnamese specialties

- Address: National Highway 91, Nui Sam ward, Chau Doc An Giang Vietnam

- Contact: 0763861745

- Opening hour: 0pm - 0am 

- Reference price: 300,000 - 2,000,000 VND/dish

Mekong Floating Restaurant 

This is a restaurant floating on the Hau river. This interesting position makes it attractive to indigenous people as well as foreign tourists. The atmosphere at this area is very cool and pleasant, specifically at night. The signatures of the diner are seafood and local special dishes. The seafood here is particularly fresh and delicious, professionally processed, and rich in flavor with fancy sauce. 

- Address: No.443 Le Loi street, city center

- Contact: +84 90 754 16 41

- Opening hour: 9am - 10 pm

- Reference price: 50,000 - 900,000 VND/dish

III - Resorts & hotels in Chau Doc Vietnam

1 - Victoria Nui Sam Lodge

hotels in chau doc

Victiria Núi Sam Lodge - Source: truyenhinhdulich

The retreat is nestled in the middle of Sam mountain - near Ba Chua Xu temple, Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, and Tay An pagoda. Victoria Nui Sam Lodge was built in the direction of blending with natural colors to give visitors the real peaceful feeling of a resort trip. The highlight of the accommodation is an outdoor swimming pool as transparent as a mirror. 

- Address: Vinh Dong 1 quarter, Nui Sam ward

- Contact: 0296 3575 888

- Room rate: 1,763,000 VND/night  

2 - Victoria Chau Doc Hotel

This hotel is designed with classical French architecture and owns an outdoor swimming pool with an unobstructed view of the Hau River.

- Address: No.1 Le Loi street

- Contact: 0296 3865 010

- Room rate: 2,018,000 VND/night

3 - Chau Pho hotel - top Chau Doc hotels to stay

Chau Pho hotel boasts 52 spacious rooms, of which windows offer open views and beautiful landscapes. The rooms are harmoniously arranged with comfortable facilities. 

- Address: No.88 Trung Nu Vuong street

- Contact: +842963564139 

- Room rate: 1,090,000 VND/night

4 - Trung Nguyen hotel

Trung Nguyen hotel is highly appreciated for its great service and the friendliness of the enthusiastic staff. 

- Address: No.86 Bach Dang street, Chau Phu A ward

- Contact: 0296 3561 561  

- Room rate: 300,000 - 430,000 VND/night

5 - Dong Xanh hotel 

Because of its green and harmonious garden landscape design, Dong Xanh hotel gives visitors a feeling of relaxation and being immersed in nature. 

- Address: No.227 Nguyen Tri Phuong street, Hoa Binh hamlet

- Contact: +84763869555 

- Room rate: 300,000 VND/night

IV - Important information about traveling to Chau Doc Vietnam

chau doc weather

Source: thamhiemmekong

1 - Getting around Chau Doc city

The best means of transport here is by taxi. Although the fare is a little bit high, you don’t have to worry about getting lost. Some of the reliable taxi companies in this city are: 

- Mai Linh Taxi: 0296 3922 266 - 0296 383838

- Duc Thanh taxi: 0296 3852 403

- Vinasun An Giang taxi: 0296 3872 872

However, if you are a real cyclist, these are some motorbike rental shops that you are looking for:

Mr. Tum

- Address: No.183 Chau Thi Te street, Nui Sam ward

- Contact: 0974 555 475

- Price: 120,000 - 200,000 VND/day

Thanh Hoang motorbike for rent

- Address: No.132 Chau Thi Te street, Nui Sam ward

- Contact: 097 533 2771

- Price: 80,000 - 140,000 VND/day

Note: Visiting Sam mountain, you can catch a motorbike taxi directly at its foot. Remember to make a deal first. Unfortunately, most drivers can only speak Vietnamese, but Google Translation can help. 

2 - How is Chau Doc weather all year round? 

chau doc weather

Source: vietnamimmigration

The climate here is like other locations in the Southern region of Vietnam, which has 2 separate seasons: the dry season (from December to April next year) and the rainy season (from May to November). In rainy months, the water rises, which is best for river tourism. On the other hand, dry weather is favorable for sightseeing. Therefore, you can come and discover this city anytime. April of the lunar calendar is when the Ba Chua Xu temple festival is held while August of the lunar calendar is when the Bull-racing festival happens. You should make that note.

3 - Suggested Chau Doc tours

Top Travel Tourism Trade LLC 

- Duration: 1 day 

- Attractions: Ba Chua Xu temple, Tay An pagoda, Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, Chau Doc market…

- Price: 990,000 VND/person

- Website:

Nu Cuoi Mekong tourism trade joint-stock company 

-  Duration: 2 days 1 night

- Attractions: Ba Chua Xu temple, Tay An pagoda, Hang pagoda, Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, palmyra palm field,... 

- Price: 1.490.000 VND/person

- Website:

Era Viet Travel Tourism Electronics Trade LLC

- Duration: 2 days 1 night

- Attractions: Sam mountain cable car tourist area, Ba Chua Xu temple, Tay An pagoda, Thoai Ngoc Hau shrine, Tra Su Melaleuca forest,...

- Price: 1,668,000 VND/person 

- Website:

4 - Chau Doc Vietnam map 

The land of Chau Doc with its unique stopovers and fine cuisine always welcomes tourists to come and unwrap it. If you are finding a place to spend your precious holiday, Chau Doc An Giang Vietnam is a good option. Hope that this writing has brought you helpful information. Thank you so much for reading and please follow Vietnamtrips to know more about Vietnam’s tourism. 

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Ha Bich — Ha Bich



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