Jan 01
Source: wowweekend

In recent years, when people start to get bored choosing between the common tourist destinations, the trend of traveling to provinces near big cities has become more and more popular. Among them, Binh Phuoc Province is a relatively new address in Vietnam, but especially prominent with unspoiled landscape and captivating attractions. 

- Area: 6.876,6 km2
- Postal code: 67000

- Administrative units: Dong Xoai City (the capital city), Binh Long Town, Phuoc Long Town and 8 districts of Chon Thanh, Hon Quan, Bu Dop, Bu Dang, Bu Gia Map, Dong Phu, Loc Ninh & Phu Rieng.

I - Where is Binh Phuoc in Vietnam? 

binh phuoc vietnam map


As a mountainous province with a lot of forests but relatively flat terrain in the Southeast region of Vietnam, this province is bordered by many provinces such as Lam Dong, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Tay Ninh… Especially, with the North and Northwest bordering Cambodia with a border of 240km long, Binh Phuoc becomes a bridge between the Southeast region, the Central Highlands and neighboring countries. The nearest airport is Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh City, which is more than 100km away. 

From Ho Chi Minh City, you can travel to this province by bus from Mien Dong bus station (No.292 Dinh Bo Linh Street, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City). The ticket price ranges from 50,000 - 250,000 VND / ticket ($2.2 - 11) and you can consider choosing among the following buses

Chin Teo Garage

- Frequency: 3 trips / day at 5:30am, 6:30am & 7:30am

- Drop-off point: Bu Gia Map bus station - Phu Nghia Commune, Bu Gia Map District, Binh Phuoc Province

- Phone: 091 859 7769 - 097 243 4292

Thuan Thanh garage

- Frequency: 30 minutes / trip from 11am to 5pm (13 trips / day)

- Drop-off point: Loc Ninh bus station - Hamlet 1, Loc Ninh Town, Loc Ninh District

- Phone: 027 1356 8340

Phuoc Long coach

- Frequency: 30 minutes / trip from 7am to 5pm (21 trips / day)

- Drop-off point: Phuoc Long bus station - Thac Mo Ward, Phuoc Long Town

- Phone: 093 795 7940 - 097 951 9090

II - When is the best time to visit Binh Phuoc Vietnam? 

binh phuoc vietnam

Source: Internet

Like the Southern provinces and cities of Vietnam, this province belongs to the sub-equatorial monsoon tropical climate, with two typical seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The prior lasts from May to November with cool weather and quite heavy rainfall, while the dry season lasts from December to April next year with little rainfall, so the humidity decreases. The weather in Binh Phuoc is cold at the beginning of the dry season, but it will be hot and dry from the middle to the end of the season.

The temperature difference between day and night here is quite large, about 7 - 9⁰C, but the average annual temperature is stable in the range of 25.8⁰C - 26.2⁰C, with the lowest and highest recorded temperatures being 10⁰C and 38⁰C, respectively. The average annual rainfall is from 2,045 - 2,325 mm, with the highest being 376mm in July and the lowest in February and March.

In Binh Phuoc Province, there is always a special event at any time of the year, from colorful rubber forests in spring, blooming coffee flowers in March, to wild sunflowers painting the mountains and hills yellow at the end of the year. For convenience in traveling and being able to enjoy the natural sceneries, you should try to travel here on sunny days. However, the rainy season here also has its own beauty, making the waterfalls even more majestic, the grasslands more green, and the climate more pleasant. 

III - #9 tourist attractions in Binh Phuoc Vietnam

1 - Ba Ra Mountain in Binh Phuoc 

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Ba Ra Mountain - Source:

Also known by the locals as “Bonom Brah” which means “God's mountain”, Ba Ra Mountain has an altitude of 723m with an area of ​​1051ha, considered the third highest mountain in the South. It was recognized by the Vietnam Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical relic and scenic spot on 20th April, 1995.

The best time to visit Ba Ra mountain is from November to April next year, which is the dry season in Binh Phuoc Province when the road is dry and not slippery. Up to the top of the mountain, you can visit some outstanding monuments such as Ba Thien Hau Temple, Bat Cave, Ba Bay Tuyet Cave, Ba Ra Prison and so on. Looking out into the distance you can observe the beautiful landscapes of forests with diverse flora, the television tower, and the beautiful Thac Mo lake. 

Location: Ba Ra mountain belongs to two wards of Son Giang & Thac Mo, Phuoc Long Town, Binh Phuoc Province

To get there, you can choose one of the following two paths:


From Bang Lang hill, you will pass 1,767 stone steps with a rather narrow way up, covered with a green color of countless hundreds of years old trees on both sides. This is quite a challenging path, suitable for those who like adventure.

Cable car

You can choose to travel by cable car and buy tickets at the entrance to Ba Ra Mountain at the price of 130,000 VND / round-trip ticket ($5.75).

2 - Thac Mo Lake in Binh Phuoc Vietnam 

Thac Mo lake is part of Thac Mo hydroelectric project, with a lake bed of 10,300ha. Thac Mo lake consists of many branches weaving between industrial tree plantations on fertile basalt soil, surrounded by undulating mountains. In the middle of the immense lake, nearly 10 small islands emerge, on which there are all kinds of entertainment including picnics or yachts. There is also Bridge 38 - a famous spot for taking check-in photos, fishing, and filming of young people nowadays.

Location: two districts of Phuoc Long and Bu Dang, Binh Phuoc Province 

3 - Bu Lach Grassland 

Bu Lach Grassland, also known as Bau Lach, covers a total area of ​​nearly 500 (about 140) ha. This grassland was formed by the fusion of more than 20 different large and small grasslands with unique lakes, forests and waterfalls, suitable for camping, backpacking,... 


vietnam binh phuoc

Bu Lach Grassland is a great place for camping & picnic in Binh Phuoc Vietnam - Source: vietnamdiemhen

The main types of grass here are needle grass and thread grass, interwoven with purple wildflowers looking very poetic, surrounded by primeval forests. In the middle of Bu Lach grassland is a large lake, sparkling all year round and never dries up, housing many kinds of freshwater fish such as carp, snakehead fish, eel, etc. You should come here in the rainy season, when the trees are green and full of life after watered.

Location: Bau Lach Village, Dong Nai Commune, Bu Dang District - about 70km from Dong Xoai City. 

4 - Suoi Lam Lake in Binh Phuoc Province 

This place has a large lake with an area of up to 100ha, about 4m deep, surrounded by the rubber forests bringing the greenish and coolness all year round. In addition to sightseeing, you can camp in the forest, swim or paddle, and feel the freshness of nature. There is also a restaurant serving special dishes of the mountains and an entertainment area such as bathing in streams, sliding waterfalls… 

Coming here in December and January, Binh Phuoc weather is cold but the spring sun is warm, you will see the beautiful change of color from yellow to orange of the rubber trees. Meanwhile in February and March, the whole place here will be immersed in the pure white of coffee flowers, which is why you can visit here anytime in a year.

Location: About 10km from Dong Xoai Town, Suoi Lam Lake tourist area belongs to Thuan Loi Commune, Dong Phu District

5 - Bu Gia Map National Park

binh phuoc in vietnam

Bu Gia Map National Park - Source: vuonquocgiabugiamap

Located in the Bu Gia Map Commune - District, northeast of Binh Phuoc Province Vietnam, this national park covers an area of ​​​​nearly 26,000 ha, home to rare flora and fauna species with 1,117 species of plants and more than 400 species of animals. Operating with the purpose of maintaining and preserving the lowland hilly ecosystem at an altitude of less than 1,000m, Bu Gia Map national park also owns many systems of rivers, streams and many majestic waterfalls.

You should visit here from November to April next year, when Binh Phuoc weather is dry with little rain and is convenient for going to the forest. If you go in the rainy season, it will be more difficult to move and it is easy to be bitten by forest leeches or mosquitoes. However, this is also the time when you can easily meet rare animals as well as experience the season of delicious ripe forest fruits such as forest rambutan, lychee, ...

- Ticket price: 70,000 VND / person ($3.1)

- Forest maintenance fee: 30,000 VND / person ($1.33)

- Guide: 300,000 VND / day / group of less than 10 people ($13.26)

6 - Soc Lon Pagoda - top attractions in Binh Phuoc Province 

Soc Lon pagoda is a Khmer temple built in 1931. It covers a fairly large area of ​​1,200m2, and is the place to organize cultural activities and traditional festivals of the Khmer people, attracting a large number of Buddhists from all over.  Not only a temple, this place can be considered as a “museum” for you to learn about the customs, beliefs, religion as well as the cultural history of the Khmer people.

Soc Lon pagoda in Binh Phuoc Vietnam includes areas such as: the main hall, teaching place, Buddha and Sala worshiping towers, ... as well as the decoration system with statues of gods and mascots arranged from the outside to the inside, symbolizing the level from low to high. Going from the entrance gate, on the right is a green park, and on the left is a row of 1-storey buildings for monks to study and perform Buddhist activities.

Location: Soc Lon Hamlet, Loc Khanh Commune, Loc Ninh District 

7 - Soc Xiem Tourist Area in Binh Phuoc Province 

This tourist area has a total area of ​​about 30,000m2 of mainly Tra Thanh red soil forest. Visiting this destination, you can admire the unspoiled natural scenery such as Soc Xiem lake, waterfall No.4 and enjoy many wild dishes, especially famous delicious fishes.

You should go to Soc Xiem tourist area from November - February next year, when Binh Phuoc weather is cool and very pleasant. If you visit in March - May, the weather has already begun getting hot and dry, while from June to October in the rainy season, it is very difficult to travel. This is a large area so you might want to visit here for a few days to experience the entire resort, which leads to a very developed accommodation service with many hotels and motels with a variety of styles and prices.

Location: An Phu Commune, Binh Long District

8 - Soc Bombo - a rustic village in Binh Phuoc Vietnam 

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Soc Bombo - Source:

Soc Bombo or Boombo Village is famous for the image of Xtieng ethnic people pounding rice day and night to feed the army, fighting against foreign invaders. Nowadays, the Xtieng people no longer use mortars and pestles, but they are still kept in traditional houses, and on festivals, rice pounding contests are still held to remember the proud and heroic past of the Binh Phuoc people.

You should come to Soc Bombo in the 12th lunar month every year because this is the time of festivals, and immerse yourself in can wine yeast, grilling wild boar by a red fire, and eating sweet blue rice tubes. In addition, you can experience the feeling of ecstasy in the gong dance, listen to anecdotes of the Xtieng people during the years of resistance in the quiet night of the mountains and forests.

Location: Binh Minh Commune, Bu Dang District - about 50km from Dong Xoai City

9 - Dung Waterfall

Belonging to two communes of Doan Ket and Minh Hung, Bu Dang District, Binh Phuoc Province, Dung waterfall is 4 - 6m high and about 10m wide. It is located on the Dak Oa stream with the water flowing all year round, through the rock layers with many hexagonal stone blocks and large stone pillars joined together, forming a vertical cliff.

In the rainy season, the heavy alluvial water makes the sound of Standing waterfall as loud as thunder, but during the dry season in Binh Phuoc, it is more peaceful, winding around the rocks, slowly pouring down and mixing with the grass and flower clusters on the shore. Not only a scenic spot but also a place containing spiritual and cultural values of the Xtieng ethnic group, this is the place they choose to organize many festivals and community activities.

10 - Tay Cat Tien Primeval Forest in Binh Phuoc Province

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Tay Cat Tien primeval forest - Source: @tranglee

Located in the biosphere reserve population of Cat Tien National Park, Tay Cat Tien primeval forest in Bu Dang and Dong Phu Districts, was recognized as a world cultural heritage in 1988. As the place where the largest tropical ecosystem is preserved in Vietnam, the primeval forest has a terrain that is alternating between lagoons, lagoons, streams, rapids, and semi-submerged and flooded areas, creating a diversity of ecosystems.

Coming to Tay Cat Tien primeval forest in Binh Phuoc Province Vietnam, you not only have the opportunity to admire the natural scenery but also admire the richness and diversity of rare flora and fauna. Some of them could be mentioned such as bison, Bonten cow, rhinoceros, short-winged geese, hung-necked cockatoo, precious mushrooms, ... and especially the one-horned rhinoceros species only found in Vietnam.

IV - What are the best dishes to try in Binh Phuoc Province? 

1 - Goi Dieu (cashew summer rolls)

Cashew is a famous local nut with a more aromatic and fleshy taste than in other provinces, leading to it being widely used as an ingredient in cooking, especially cashew summer rolls. The rich, sweet and sour taste of spices, mixed with cashew, shrimp, meat, and scallions, served with grilled rice papers, has contributed in making a typical dish of Binh Phuoc Vietnam. 

- Price: 15,000 - 20,000 VND / dish ($0.66 - 0.88)

2 - Deep fried milk cicadas

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There are many food to try here - Source:

This is a new dish, which has only appeared in recent years but is loved by many people and you must try it. Milk cicadas are cicadas that are in the process of molting, are caught and fried in a hot pan until fragrant, golden and greasy, eaten with raw vegetables and sweet and sour fish sauce.

- Price: 150,000 VND / kg ($6.6)

3 - Free-range pigs - a must-try dish of Binh Phuoc Province 

As a specialty of Bombo region, pigs here are raised semi-wild without using animal feed, so the meat is very low in fat, sweet and chewy. Pork is cleaned, marinated in spices with full skin, and then grilled on charcoal. The meat is sliced ​​evenly with crispy skin and served with acrid bananas and wild vegetables, will definitely bring you an unforgettable taste.

- Price: 250,000 VND / dish ($11)

4 - Stir-fried Nhip leaves of Binh Phuoc 

Nhip leaf, also known as Bep leaf, is a common local forest vegetable, red in color and sweet when cooked. Nhip leaves are likened to a medicine because they provide a lot of energy and help restore health. In addition, it can also be cooked into many attractive dishes such as: Stir-fried Nhip leaves with garlic, stir-fried Nhip leaves with beef, Nhip leaves hot pot or soup with fish and shrimp.

- Price: 40,000 - 50,000 VND / kg ($1.77 - 2.2)

5 - Thut Soup

Thut soup of Binh Phuoc Vietnam is cooked in a Lo O tube, which is stuffed with a mixture of many vegetables such as Nhip leaves, bamboo shoots, rattan buds, then fish, snails, crabs, shrimps, adding spices. The soup tube is rotated evenly over the fire for 30 minutes, then use a bamboo stick to “pound” (“thut”) repeatedly until the ingredients are smooth and well mixed.

- Price: 30,000 VND / dish ($1.33)

6 - Can wine

As a unique feature in the culture of the Xtieng ethnic group of Binh Phuoc Province Vietnam, Can wine is processed completely manually, carrying a pungent taste that just needs a sip to feel ecstatic. When drinking, the inviter uses their hand to gently stroke the “can” (long bamboo straw) from the bottom up to show affection for the invitee. When drinking together, the host and guest often look directly at each other, showing respect and sympathy, as well as a test to see if the guest is really drinking.

- Price: 50,000 VND / liter ($2.2)

V - Top-rated accommodation in Binh Phuoc Province

1 - An Loc Hotel & Spa

Designed with a modern and luxurious European style, the hotel also provides conference rooms and amusement areas in addition to accommodation. An Loc Hotel & Spa provides services such as shuttle service, laundry, room service, and especially a high-class spa.

- Address: National Highway 13, Hung Chien Ward, Binh Long Town, Binh Phuoc Province

- Room rate: 1,192,000 - 2,540,000 VND / room / night ($52.65 - 112.2)

- Hotline: 027 136 11222

- Website:

2 - Bombo Hotel

A 3-star hotel with a peaceful and relaxing resort space and a system of restaurants serving a variety of Asian - European dishes to local specialties to best meet the needs of visitors.

- Address: National Highway 14, Tan Binh Ward, Dong Xoai City

- Room rate: 650,000 - 1,550,000 VND / room / night ($28.7 - 68.46)

- Hotline: 027 1368 6666

- Website:

3 - My Le resort

My Le resort is Binh Phuoc's outstanding resort area, featuring an outdoor swimming pool and mountain views. In addition to the fully equipped guest house, there are various entertaining areas such as a zoo, an orchard, a swimming pool, a slide and activities such as camping, sightseeing, horseback riding, cycling and fishing.

- Address: DT741, Long Hung Commune, Phu Rieng District

- Room rate: 570,000 - 1,710,000 VND / room / night ($25.18 - 75.53)

- Hotline: 0839 011 107

When you are bored with the hustle and bustle of modern life, leave your daily fatigue behind and come to Binh Phuoc Province in Vietnam, a simple and rustic place, with friends or relatives. Coming here, you can make plenty of unforgettable experiences by exploring the mountains, forests and animals, tasting special dishes and immersing yourself in the majestic and unspoiled natural landscape.

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